Dr. Ryan McGee

b. 1987 Austin, r. Los Angeles | Berlin
Creative Software Engineer, Designer, Composer
Researcher, Lecturer, Hybrid
ryan [at] lifeorange [dot] com
LinkedIn | CV

Positions | Degrees

Owner / Founder / Principal Engineer at Life Orange LLC [2017 - Present]
Lecturer at UC Santa Barbara Department of Art [2015 - 2016]
PhD in Media Arts and Technology from UC Santa Barbara [2010 - 2015]
Co-Founder / Developer at Unfiltered Audio LLC [2012 - 2016]
Independent Audio Software Developer / Contractor (C++ / JUCE) [2012 - 2016]
Physics Lab Instructor at UC Santa Barbara [2010 - 2011]
MS in Multimedia Engineering from UC Santa Barbara [2008 - 2010]
Electrical Design Engineer at Polatomic Inc [2007 - 2008]
BS in Electrical Engineering from UT Dallas [2005 - 2007]
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science at UNT [2003 - 2005]

Exhibitions | Performances | Talks

IEEE 2017 VIS Arts - live video sonification performance with VOSIS [Oct 2017 | Phoenix]
Currents New Media - live video sonification performances w/ VOSIS at Currents New Media Festival [June 2017 | Santa Fe]
MAGNITUDE - live seismic sounds performance w/ custom sonification / algorithmic music software [July 2016 | Sydney]
Terramomentum - subsonic haptic seismic installation at ICAD 2016 , Australian National University [July 2016 | Canberra]
Sonifying Visuals + Visualizing Sound - live image sonification performance + exhibition at FOCA [Jan-March 2016 | Los Angeles]
Pangea - seismic sound performance at Lot 613 [Nov 2015 | Los Angeles]
Creating the Sensorial Space - panel discussion @ Dolby HQ about spatial sound design [Sep 2015 | San Francisco]
Kinetic V3 - live video + sound projection of spatial modulation synthesis @ SBCASST [June 2016 | Santa Barbara]
Kinetic V2 - live 3D audio-visual performance of spatial modulation synthesis @ UCSB Allosphere [June 2014 | Santa Barbara]
DOMUS - seismic sonification collaboration with D.V. Rogers @ Materials and Applications [Oct 2014 - May 2015 | Silverlake]
Skate 1.0 - w/ Electroland, spatialized sounds + light trajectories @ LA A+D Museum [Jul - Sep 2011 | Los Angeles]
Concrete - music concrète video for composer Marcel Fremiot @ One Arts Plaza [June 2007 | Dallas]


Introduction to Computer Programming for the Arts - Intro to programming w/ Processing + P5.js [Fall/Spring 2015-16 | UCSB]
Advanced Digital Media: Sound Synthesis and Computer Music - Processing + Web Audio [Spring 2014| UCSB]
Arduino and Processing Universe: a Primer - Intro to programming and electronics [Fall 2013 | UCSB]

Research | Papers | Presentations

Musification of Seismic Data | Seismic Sounds [2016 | ICAD]
Spatial Modulation Synthesis | spatialmodulation.com [2015 | ICMC]
VOSIS: a Multi-touch Image Sonification Interface | imagesonification.com [2013 | NIME]
Voice of Sisyphus: an Image Sonifcation Multimedia Installation [2012 | ICAD]
SenSynth: a Mobile Application for Dynamic Sensor to Sound Mapping (NIME 2012) [2012 | NIME]
Sound Element Spatializer, MS Thesis [2011 | ICMC]
Sonifying the Cosmic Microwave Background (ICAD 2011), sound examples, download for OSX [2011 | ICAD]
BioRhythm: a Biologically-inspired Audio-Visual Installation (NIME 2011) [2011 | NIME]
John Chowning: Overview, Techniques, and Compositions (includes interview) [2010 | Course Paper]
Representing Music with Visual Space and Color [2010 | Course Paper]
Auditory Displays and Sonification [2009 | Course Paper]